Life Savors

By osuzanna

No Trespassing

I went out with my camera this morning with an idea that I would capture something different, so I didn't take my macro lens. I love doing wildlife and macro work, but sometimes I feel like I am not learning enough and need to broaden my horizons.  

I went initially to get a shot of a derelict house that I had blipped a number of times that is now undergoing renovation and restoration.  While out in that direction, I remembered this house which I have seen many times when out at Sycamore Landing.  It sits at the end of a very long driveway and is up on a hill. It always reminds me of an Andrew Wyeth painting (minus the satellite dish and car.)  At the entrance to the driveway, there is a gate and sign that says, "No Hunting, No Trespassing, No Warnings."  I stayed out by the road and used the zoom lens to get this shot.  The house was bathed in sunshine and the turbulent clouds added some interest and converted well to B&W.  

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