
Day three of the ensuite refit and most of the tiling is done; the shower tiling is grouted; the radiator is in and there is a toilet and a sink on my landing. I don't think I really had any concept of how long it would take. I'm thinking that it'll be Friday at the earliest but we shall see. 

Bailey has continued to be confined and not best pleased about it. I spent quite a lot of the morning embedded in my work inbox and managed to sift through it all without resorting to hitting 'Delete All'. It was quite satisfying to get it to manageable proportions for the first time in a long time. 

A bit of tidying in the garden with Bailey's supervision not that it looks anything other than a desiccated mess. And then I determined to cut out the fabric for the pattern I had trimmed yesterday and then kept going. A very straightforward pattern but I finished the top before tea. 

I think I would be a lot less productive if I had access to the rest of the house, including the sofa. Bailey, on the other hand, is definitely missing having the house to himself. 

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