
By cowgirl

Snack time!

Started the day with a haircut, nothing drastic, just a trim. Then walked to the pharmacy to drop in my anti-migraine prescription. On the way home Mary and Alex’s dad, Alistair, drew up beside me in his truck. He said he was off to give his youngsters a bit of a snack, so as I’d got a couple of hours before I needed to be at work, I went with him.

He then took me for coffee as an apology for going alone to buy the drill I suggested when he asked me what I thought he should get. I’m his favourite of all his wife’s friends as he can talk to me all day long about power tools ( that he uses in his own time ) and construction ( he works for Murphy Group, the construction company )! He’s also said I can use the drill when I help him fix the gate on the pathway to the young stock. I’ve read the manual in preparation!

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