Shedding the old . . .
. . . bringing out the new.
That's what this cicada has done. It has shed it's old shell (lower left of picture) and is now soaking up what sun rays there are, trying to dry out it's new shell.
I am shedding my old shell by trying to eat healthier and now going to a gym class 2-3 days a week.
After I got home from the gym today, I was outside in my already sweaty clothes, and cleaning up the matt where the cats eat and all the paving stones in that area. With all the rain, heat and humidity, it was getting moldy.
Usually I can just sweep the area every other day but it has been so wet that hasn't been sufficient. Out with the bleach and water and the good old soap and water. Things look much better now.
Can you believe it's August already?! Where has the time gone?
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