no plans

“What are your plans for today?”

I hate trick questions.  I never know what the correct answer is.

She says it in her teacher’s voice, which makes it worse.  It reminds me of school, when I’m invited to share whatever it was I had under my desk, with the rest of the class.  I respond in kind;

“Dunno what you’re on about Miss.”

The truth is I have no real plans for today.  There are things I could do and probably should do - I have my annual appointment at the Oxford Heart Centre tomorrow and there are notes I need to provide on how my heart has behaved over the past 12 months.  

And I’ve just received a set list for our gig in Cumbria next week.  So a bit of practice needed; my fingers seem to have become soft again all too quickly.  

But the hot weather slows me down.  Even my thought processes; I can't think of an acceptable answer.  Anniemay’s left ear comes to the rescue. 

“I’ve gone deaf in my left ear.  And we need some more courgettes.  Why don’t you cycle to the shops and get some ear drops and courgettes?”  

She’s playing mind games. She knows I need the exercise - and that I’ll be out of my comfort zone.  There are no bike racks outside the shops.  And I’m paranoid about leaving my bike out of sight.  It’s expensive, has an electric motor and is unique - there’s not another like it, because I built it myself.  

I suck my teeth while I think of a response, much like the washing machine engineer, last time the thing broke down.  “You could leave it outside Caffe Nero.”  

Oh she’s good.  Game, set and match;  I tip my bike helmet; “Chapeau Madame.”

ps; extra shows bike securely locked.  Hint - it's not one of the pink ones.

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