today is the first day...

By firstday

Room with a view

Not the room or view I had planned. We had booked a few nights away, but I had a rough night. Upset tummy and just continuing to feel a bit meh. Anyhow I did my usual, brave girl pants on.. Packed the car, dropped off the dogs. First stop lunch, somewhere pretty on the way. Couldn't eat, just felt really rough and completely sorry for myself. I don't do selfpity well. This lovely lady on sticks came over and gave me a massive hug. Too much sympathy broke me. So we came home.

Lovely husband hadn't had the courage to talk me out of going. Think he is quite relieved really. Trouble is I don't do disappointment well either!! Number three is delighted. Endless xbox time for three bonus days! Always a bright side if you look for one.

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