
By miss_peg

Bucket list and bitters

I’ve been revising my bucket list, or my “100 things to do before I die” list, as I named it 10 years ago. 10 years is a long time when it comes to goals, some happen, some change, so I’ve decided to scrap 18 and create new ones. I’ve got a few ideas. I’ve already achieved 26 so far, with a couple half done (visit Oxbridge - only been to Oxford, not Cambridge). I’m sure I’ll complete a few more this coming year in Australia (live abroad).

What bucket list items do you have? (It’s interesting hearing others’ lists, but also I’m looking for ideas!)

On a side note (and the subject of my photo for today), in Australia they have a drink called Lemon Lime Bitters, it’s difficult to get in the UK. I happened to find two places, accidentally. Brockholes - where I used to work, and Bents garden centre. I visited the latter so picked up a couple of bottles to get in the Australian mood. It’s basically lemonade, with lime cordial, and Angostura bitters. There’s such a small amount that it’s considered a soft drink. It’s yummy!

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