
By HareBrain

The Rose Lady

I fell in love with The Rose Lady as soon as I saw her, 3 years ago. Her sad face was covered in moss and creepy crawlies and yet she had a certain dignity and wistfulness about her. The property where I rescued her from was for sale and all the items of stone statues, ornaments, curios etc. which the owners had collected over many years were for sale at half price. I told Mr. T that she shouldn't be left on her own and uncared for anymore so he bought her for me for a Christmas present.

She is quite heavy on her own and the base for her had to be purchased separately, and that was really heavy. T. wasn't too impressed trying to haul her and her base into the boot of his car! Still, once I got her home and washed her face and got her established in her new home T had to agree with me that she is rather gorgeous.

Hooray, I have survived my first day back at work, although didn't quite manage the whole of the day.

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