Today I read about the birds and the bees....

It seems my mom and dad didn't teach me everything about the birds and the bees...Who knew a bee sting could be deadly to a hummingbird.. 

So last night... The bees and the hummers were dancing all over the backyard. The hummers staying as far away from the bees as possible. I could see they were a bit stressed out.. Well we had a new feeder for the hummers that they rejected many months ago but it would prevent the bees getting the drug sugar water..  So down came the old one and up went the new one.. Dumb and dumber were dumbfounded.. I am assuming they went back to the nest to figure out a war plan.. They came back with the calvary. There were bees everywhere trying to figure the new feeder out. The hummers seeing the swarm.. chatted in the trees about their next move.. Well the new feeder seemed to work.. No bees today and the hummers are happily perched, drinking in peace again.. 

As for this picture of a painting.. A very dear, kind, loving, amazing friend painted this, framed it and sent it to me..Paula, a virtual hug and a zillion thank yous doesn't seem enough. It's beautiful. Now I have to figure a place to hang it.. probably near a boughten picture of Denali that reminds me of my dad and I, camping in Alaska...

Enjoying the peace on the Seattle front...

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