Anna and Henry

By AnnaandHenry

Magic medicine

Another challenging night - dad came through and took Henry at 5am so I could get some sleep, which I was really grateful for. Mum came and woke me at 8 to say that Henry wasn't really drinking and his overnight nappy had only 30mls in, so I was straight on the phone to the drs.

After ibuprofen, calpol, aciclovir and difflam spray we still weren't getting anywhere so we went along to see the GP at lunchtime who said he wasn't dehydrated so to persist with the painkillers and fluids - by this point I was having to syringe a few mls in here and there, with him spitting it at me. We went home and he asked for milk, then downed 5oz!

We both had a 1.5hr nap, then when he got up he asked for milk again and had another 5oz. Since then he's had a yogurt and some sticky toffee pudding with custard, and has weed all over me! He's also been back to his usual cheeky self - picked up the landline phone and said "hiya bugger bye bye daddy!" then put it down again! So hopefully the aciclovir is working and we're over the worst.

Today's blip is Henry with one lot of medicine - he spent ages putting it in and out of the box, and brandishing the spoon with lots of "poooooon" noises!

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