
What a day. Up at the crack of dawn baking scones to take next door along with the pie I made last night. Shifting day for my neighbour, never an easy time.
9am my friend came to give me a day in the garden. We worked til 4.45 and achieved heaps. Rest of the pea straw on and a massive ivy climber pulled off the fence chopped up and carted away. Needless to say I am weary and he is coming back tomorrow at 9am. What a trouper he is.
Great excitement at the bird feeder today, a pair of green finches turned and later a third one. They mixed quite happily with the waxeyes and were so pretty although as is with birds the female was much more subdued in colour. Do hope they stay around as have never seen them around the garden before
Prior to getting the evening meal for us I dashed out in the rain and took this flower. I can’t think of its name but it will do for Flower Friday

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