Nicky and her Nikon

By NickyR


Its a right scorcher again today - too hot to be outdoors where the thermometer on the patio indicated 34C - I think it is hotter there than other parts of the garden .

After planning who was going to be home for which meals I went out and bought groceries for the weekend. It's a constantly changing number here with the boys coming and going! Luke's girlfriend arrived last night but they leave after supper tonight to drive north to her home in Sunderland, as she is competing in a triathlon on Sunday. Thomas got back today, I have hardly heard from him this week as he was busy all day and they had evening activities too - he has loved it though, he came home on such a high having done things like flying in a small plane where they test the G force and also sky diving. Adam and Jenni get home tomorrow after they see their charges off at Heathrow (they were course leaders at a Oxbridge summer course) and we will have the evening together before they depart for Japan on Sunday morning on holiday. 

I liked this teasel, its leaves make it look as if it is dancing!

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