Writer's Block

By writersblock

Veterans Day - Swing Time

It's the last day of my vacation - it's been a long but very good (and much needed!) break. We headed out to the park this afternoon and spent the majority of the time at the swings. By far the swings are Alana's favorite - when she signs or says "all done" usually she just wants to go right back in! And the higher the better where this little one is concerned. Look at that cute grin!

Today was Veterans Day and I reflected briefly on the impact that the military has had on my life and the life of my loved ones. Living in a military town (with the highest per capita of military veterans or active duty anywhere else in the nation) I have a lot of people that I love in my life that have served or are serving today - including my husband, my dad, my brother-in-law and more friends than I can count. Although I wish we lived in a world where the military was not needed, I'm grateful that there are honorable people who have served or continue to serve . . . and I send out a wish for peace on Earth as cheesy as that may sound.

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