
By conventgirl

This 'tobacco' sunflower must have seeded itself  as several have popped up in the bed we grew them in last year.
We have had a terrible week at my charity shop. Over the weekend thieves broke in and stole money and donation tins and damaged the till, safe and a door beyond repair.
Customers have been really supportive and the words scum and ba-----ds have been used a lot.
Then on Wednesday we had a power outage. If we had our electronic till it would have been worse - hey,every cloud has a silver lining.... - but the only hardship was that the fans weren't working.
Then today the fridge has packed up leaving us unable to have very cold drinks or milk for tea. And I think it's about 3 weeks out of warranty.
I'm glad I'm not in again until Monday. Surely nothing else can go wrong tomorrow.

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