
By SeaGypsy

Cranberry Bog on Route 106,

An overcast rainy day today, 60 degrees but going down to 30 degrees overnight. Cranberry bogs offer some late autumnal colour.

""Early recipes are few and far between. Although the Wampanoag Indians on Martha's Vineyard traditionally used cranberries to make a hearty cornbread, one of the first recorded recipes is from a book penned in 1672 by John Josselyn. He writes: "The Indians and English use them much, boyling them with sugar for Sauce to eat with meat; and it is a delicate Sauce, especially with Roasted Mutton. Some make tarts with them as with Gooseberries." Other early recipes were included in a 1796 cookbook by Amelia Simmons entitled American Cookery."

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