Vive la Vie

By gillybxl

Monkey girl

Olivia loves showing me her new tricks in the playground at school - she's practising to show Grandma and Granddad who will be visiting fairly soon.

This morning she was grumpy because she didn't want to go to school because she was going on a field trip to a large fruit and vegetable market in Stokkel. We were really perplexed by this as she loves school and going has never been an issue. It turns out that they were going to buy the ingredients to make 'Stone Soup' (they've been reading about it in school) and Olivia was adamant that her teachers were going to make her eat stones! Once we'd explained that she wouldn't be eating stones she was quite happy to go and this evening she was full of excitement as she explained that the trip to the market had been the best part of her day and that she was in Theo's group and they had to buy four carrots for the soup and each child was allowed to choose a treat and she chose green grapes which were delicious and Theo chose cheese chunks and Anna chose a waffle and blah blah blah blah.

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