Up and eating breakfast at 8.30. Then our second meeting with John which took us up to lunch. We had amazing homemade soup for lunch and played would you rather... until it got a bit ridic.

We all walked into Axminster after lunch. We went the muddy route there... I didn't have suitable footwear (I never do), at least I wasn't the one to fall over. Axminster is um fairly small but we found some cool places like a random junk shop full of pretty much everything and Hugh F-W's cafe.

Thankfully we walked the road route back, which is way quicker. Katie, Emma and I spent the whole journey making a sick raps. We totally came back and practised and sneaky Laura caught it on film.

Then we all got ready for Saturday nights extravaganza - circus theme. A few of us set everything up. Me and Mel were in charge o the messy game! It involves water, flour and donuts. We had dinner in our costumes (everyone looked amazing) in our teams and then went round playing the games and collecting tickets. There was popcorn and candy floss to, like a proper carnival/circus.

The evening was spent chatting, drawing and passing Hammy (my small paper mache face) around to try and get rid of it.

Sick times.

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