Coffee and biscuits ....

...... anyone!!
I needed these when I came home from the bank at 10.25am. I was informed the branch is closing on 24th August and reopening on 17th September, but there is no tills only electronic service!!! I'm sure it won't be long before no one will need to speak at all, just use " gadgets "! I'm really fed up with how this world is going, what about people without a computer ( belief me there are plenty of folk who come into this category ) .
I was up watering the pots and re potting 2 baskets at 6.15am . Washed bed linen and on the line by 7.30am . The temperature is already about 28/9 %c , will I survive the day ? I'm really not sure! This weather is really taking a toll on me . I've got so much to do in the house but today is just NOT the day.
Do hope you all have a good weekend

Grateful ..... for the fan , and even that isn't enough to keep me cool!

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