
By bluebellsea

A 50/50 Sky...

We had a lovely morning at the beach.  It's only an hour away from us and we will be back in October when the seasonal dog ban is lifted and Alfred can have a long walk on the fine white sand there. 
After a very tasty salad for lunch I got stung by what must have been a wasp.  I didn't see it, just felt a sharp burning on the middle of my lower arm and thought at first that the metal on my bag had heated up so much in the sun that when my skin came into contact with it I'd got burned.  I felt it and no, it wasn't hot at all.  Then I saw a puncture mark which spread out in a bit of a light red blotch and a small area around the puncture swell up in a mound.  The stinging, burning feeling went up to my elbow joint and down into my wrist.  There is just a dull ache in each now and the sting in the middle...  I don't like wasps.  But then who does?  I'm sure they have a purpose but have no idea what it is. :-)  I've got steroid cream from the chemist.  At least, I now know what a wasp sting feels like!  You live and learn...

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