A lifetime campaigning
This is Andrew R, a well-known figure around Winchester. When I first knew him he worked as a Planning Officer for the City Council. He's been retired a long time. My guess is he's at least in his late 80s.
He is also a committed Quaker and therefore a pacifist. It seems like forever he's been producing posters and campaigning for action on nuclear disarmament, global warming, the plight of refugees, you name it... Today he was handing out leaflets in the High Street advertising a vigil to be held on Monday, the anniversary of Hiroshima.
I know what you're thinking.. Do I agree with everything he believes? In a way for me that's not the point. Instead I'll just say I have huge respect for anyone who can give up so much of their life in an attempt to make the world a better place for the rest of us.
So that's my Saturday done for. Hope you're having a fab weekend xx
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