Give Me Caffeine....

By Caffeinated


Slip and Slide. The way I read about this, the bar was at the top and you could slide down after a drink. Instead a bar at the bottom and it's £2 a slide down!

Pulled myself out of bed to go and collect my car from the garage (my exhaust went). I felt like some company today so I got in touch with Kelly to see if I could go and visit the boys. She was at soft play with them and friends. 

Supermarket then home. 

Into town to get coffee pods, walked along a very busy George Street, full of people, getting flyers pushed at me, and lots of noise. Got pods and walked back along. K then text to say they were at George Square with the boys , do I want to join them? I said no. The thought of getting there, being around more people, noise, I couldn't do it. Even though I am dying to see the boys. 

Home by 2.30pm and lay on the sofa and fell asleep for a few hours. 

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