Cumbria Here I Come

By marpaul

A bit of drama in the estuary first thing.  As I was walking back to the car this morning I spotted a horse in the middle of the estuary.  I thought I was seeing things.  A lady pulled over in her car and commented on it too.  Her husband is a coastguard so she was going to contact him.  I went home and contacted a few people and visited the local riding stables, all to no avail.  However on the way back home I spotted the horse had moved from where I first saw it and was now at Drumburgh.  Stopped off on the marsh as there was a group of people there including a coastguard who knew who the owner of the horse was.  The owners from Rockcliffe managed to travel in the estuary along the mud on a quad bike and put a head collar on the horse and when I left they were walking back along the mud.  What a relief that was and that the horse didn't get stuck in the mud.  A happy ending.

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