Fingus says fine.....

The weather report was not good but fingus the finger dog checked it out and did not find it wanting so we set off on a mystery movie moment and walked up through Central Park ( yes Wellington has one of those) to The Penthouse Theatre at Brooklyn and asked what the first movies were and got to choose “Tea with The Dames” which was great fun.
Central Park is something wonderful and about a 30 minute walk from our apartment  and once entered you are transported to somewhere else rather than NZ’s capital city. See the extra. Wellington has lots of places like this around it’s town belt and closer.
Fingus joined the staff a few months ago when The Boss spotted him in a pop up store on the waterfront but it wasn’t until this morning that he figured out how to include him in pictures. Sorry patent  pending.......
The Boss had a wonderful “pre Birthday” thingie with his rellies at a nearby coffee joint as they were not going to be at the main event in Canada next month. It was fun as the young lady carried the 4 lovely  hand made cupcakes with flaming candles towards us and a ceiling heater blew them all out before arrival. The Boss managed it again after a relight.

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