The Princess and the Dog

By Princessnthedog

Skipping A Day

Dear O'H dear and Lovely Tea Jenny,

I had a pleasantly active day. I met Smashley for our usual Saturday dog walk and then I for a cycle with Kitty Cat.

Let’s not be imagining a Tour De France situation here. We trundled along side-by-side chatting away along the Innocent railway to Musselburgh where we parked up at Luca’s and sat for an hour ‘resting’ with coffee and mint choc chip ice cream. I have never had Luca’s ice cream before. It is LUSH. I may have to spend more time cycling near Musselburgh.

I got back just in time for The Explorer and her son Diego popping round. She was feeling a bit fluffy as she had gone to support a ‘knitting’ evening at The Morningside Club. The Explorer has the accolade of being the first ever female member there and even managed to get herself on the committee. This is all because she was so excited that the drinks only cost £2!

Her ‘knitting’ evening seemed to involve:
Zero knitting
Lots of wine

This is because:
She has no idea how to knit
She knows how to drink wine

She very excitedly wished The Eldest Mini Princess a happy birthday and asked if she had been having a lovely day so far.

‘Erm, it’s tomorrow’, EMP explained.

Diego had tried to tell her earlier ‘But Mum, it’s the 5th’

She had misunderstood this as him confirming that today is the 5th.

It was all a bit confusing for her. When they left, she looked like like she needed a lie down in a darkened room!


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