As She Sees It

By AsSheSeesIt

Booked It!

I am going back to San Diego in March. 4 days of sunshine is my hope.

So my ankle is doing well today. I went in to work today (at the hospital) and as soon as I went up to see a couple of nurses they plunked me down in a chair and assaulted me with cleaners and dressings. The good news is they said I did a good job of cleaning the scrape, but they did not like my choice of dressing. I now have a nice fancy dressing on it and I am supposed to go back tomorrow when I get there for a redo.

I was driving by the park on my way home and there were some geese on the grass. At first glance it just looked like half dozen Canadian geese and then I noticed one did not have the black head. I did a quick turn around in the library parking lot and hot footed it back to the park. I would like to present you with a picture of a greater white-fronted goose, but I did not have my good camera and it was too far away for the little pocket point-and-shoot. Oh, well. Life bird noted.

Happy blipping!

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