Mighty Little....Take 2

I put a few finishing touches on this whilst spending another day with computer stuff.

Its a very very long story but many moons ago I put my photo library on a back up HD as it was getting to big for the computer...many times i have tried to copy it onto another drive but it wouldn't let me....and being someone who forgets I carried on regardless until now.......UGGGHHH!

I wont carry on but after hours on the phone to Apple...trying to get my photos to load...still no luck....the guy reckons that it could be corrupt and i could loose everything.....all my pics of Flynn growing up....Rumi......etc etc.......I feel a bit queazy in my tummy ....but I am not giving in to that.

To hang out with this little one...Mighty Little.... AKA Ruby...has been the only wonderful thing about today...oh except Flynn jumping into bed with me this morning for a warm cuddle on a cold morning...Oh and Beetle and Jaiya and lots of other wonderful things.....I still feel queazy though.

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