
By picklepeter

Interesting day, uninteresting blip

Was at the Base Glasgow sustainability conference this morning with Gajin Aboot Gaj and a few others. Interesting key note speeches from Ken Livingstone and Glasgow City Council's leader. All fairly interesting stuff with a smattering of politics delivered with just enough tounge in cheek (from Ken anyway...) to make it appropriate for this sort of conference. My pal Sully (see blip from 30/10) also gave a very interesting talk about energy from waste which is a technology that the nay sayers could well do with embracing a bit more.

We're crossing into new territories with one of our Commonwealth Games environmental projects now - had a really useful meeting with the producer of the Games arts programme (the 'Velocity' project) and some exciting opportunities might be on the cards. There's definitely a close link between the environment and art so will be interesting to see what happens.

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