Treat time

That’s the walk done, can we have our treats please? Basil will happily eat his treats and chews but backs off now from anything he suspects has a pill in it (cheese, paste, ham, peanut butter, his bowl...). So the vet has suggested giving Gabapentin a try, which is in capsule form and therefore doesn’t taste of anything. Well, it’s worth a try.

Meanwhile, Polly’s blood test results are back and they’re not bad but she does, like Basil, have early stage kidney disease and probably chronic rather than sinister lung issues. She’s okay to be sedated so we’ll probably arrange her x-ray in a week or so and we’re going to try Prednisolone first, after her urine test...which I’ll be trying to collect a sample for in the morning.

In other news, we have a house full of students tonight as Son2 is having a gathering with a bit of clubbing in the middle. Mr DA meanwhile is off to a cricket meeting. Hopefully it won’t be a repeat of last night’s celebratory shenanigans (the less said about that the better)...

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