Handsome Guy
This box turtle was on the edge of our driveway this afternoon when I went to get the mail. He waited for me to come back so I could take some more photos of him. And then when I went to look an hour or so later, he'd gone. Presuming we don't run over him in our driveway one day, he should be safe as can be. I doubt he crosses the main road. Although I suppose he could. Their territories are fairly small, but it certainly could straddle the road. I did move one out of the road just a few hundred feet from the driveway a last Friday, actually - as I was heading over to The Wildlife Center. Appropriate!
If you are the sort of person who looks at tags, you'll see that I have "Woodland Box Turtle" in there. Apparently that is the latest name for these turtles. No longer "Eastern" - now "Woodland." Sigh. Plus ça change...
Edit - PS - did no one notice that my thumbnail yesterday was a literal thumbnail??? C'mon people! ;-)
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