Orb spider
Quick shot taken while this orb spider was spinning her web. A little blurry but she is in the center of the picture (a little larger than life because of the angle of the shot - actual size about a 50c piece). Her color is shades of brown & orange. A little scary but quite amazing. If you look closely you can see silver strands of the web stretching to every corner of the picture - quite large, triangular, about 4-5 feet each side. I tried several times but if I got the web, I didn’t get the spider and vice-versa. The web was actually almost complete.
How do I know she is an orb spider? I wasn’t sure until this morning when I saw the web was totally & completely gone! And not because my neighbor (on whose home it was attached) had pulled it down. Altho she & her husband did go out last night to watch her handiwork. But because that’s what an orb spider does. They weave a huge beautiful web at night to catch food, and then dismantle the entire thing in the morning. . . . only to rebuild it again the next night. I know this because I looked it up last year when I discovered and took a picture of a spider feverishly creating a web outside my 2nd floor bedroom window. She didn’t stop or pause when I shown a flashlight at her or care when I snapped several pictures. The next morning I went to admire her work & the web was gone. But she & her web reappeared night after night following. Soooo I googled it.
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