
After a sunny and productive morning (in terms of getting errands done), we were hit with a massive hail storm in the afternoon. Some of the hail was as big as a baseball, and the storm lasted 2 hours. The storm drain at the end of the street where we live got clogged and the water from the street backed up to our garage door, but thankfully did not breach into the garage itself. My neighbor called the fire department, but they did not have equipment to help, so after they left I waded into the freezing hip deep water and unclogged the drain myself! Then my daughter called to say that the hail broke 2 sky lights in her condo but she was working from home and could deal with it. After the hail stopped we went to the grocery store to learn that it was closed because the hail had damaged the condensers on the roof so all the refrigeration was out and had flooded the store! Whew, Colorado is the state of fire and ice.
Now all that is left of the storm are beautiful rain drops clinging to the pine needles.

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