Reasons to smile...

By Lauraiea


I had a day of doing daft things and getting frustrated at myself but now they're all (sort of) fixed I'll share the list for amusement:

- I forgot what floor we were on after a meeting and led folk down to the dungeons of a building to get out instead of straight along the corridor and out the door (the second time I've done that). 
- I dropped my laptop on my unicorn cup and smashed his wee horn off. 
- I left stuff in the office including melon instead of taking it to the gym. The melon won't survive the warm office overnight. My water bottle was very much missed during the workout. 
- I arrived home at half seven and realised my car was gone. After initial panic, I remembered my morning self had been running late and saw rain and drove to the station. My car was sitting at the station, I'd gone right past it. 

I also tripped up and forgot my water bottle but those are fairly normal things. I blame Monday. 

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