
By Susanna

Happiness - is a bio-toilette in woods!

The best of the best day today, as we made a small 4,4km hiking today in woods - me and my husband.

Weather was more than suitable for walking long paths, +19c and slight wind, sunny.
I took some sausage with us into my backbag, and mustard too. So we headed into a fireplace of Kintulammi, a natur area where you only can walk along marked routes and make a fire in one place. Baked our food, ate and (I found the bio-toilette) walked the longer route back to the car.

We were lucky to be able to make the fire as it had rained a couple of days ago, and the forest fire warning had been called off. Very dry soil however. Dangerously dry.

Maybe you would like see the placa, woods and paths just by youtself. Here :)

Few other walkers seen. But all quiet. It is odd as you only can hear wind. Not a single bird anymore singing - autumn exterior.


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