The world's worst photo of a festival
This is, I think, the Dhol Foundation on the village stage at the Wickham festival. Lots of drumming and dancing, with some Bhangra dancers who came and went. Very energetic. We loved them!
Considering that my sister and niece hadn't arrived until after midnight the previous night, we made good time and found the location without difficulty. Stopped in Cirencester for camping supplies, and realised we'd forgotten the cool bag! Ah well..
The campsite seemed fine, on a farm. It didn't take us long to set up, and after a camp meal of chicken tortillas, we headed up to the site and the music. Think we're going to like it here! Very friendly, laid-back vibe, in a rolling Hampshire setting (I think it's the Meon Valley). Temperature not quite as roasting once the sun goes down...
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