
By Jostijn


Edit: I just realise that this photo is my 800th. Time flies! What a
'rubbish' photo to celebrate. :)

'Peer gooit het er niet meer naast'
(Free translated: Peer isn't throwing his litter next to the bin)

The government in The Netherlands likes to teach us, even what
we do with our litter. So, in Tilburg, these signs appear near litterboxes.
I can't put my litter in there, because it is reserved for other people.
And to make it worse, they've presented a couple named Peer and Rietje
to teach the citizens what to do with their litter.
But it is something typical Dutch.

Went for a short walk to get some air. Cancelled my teachings today,
so I hope I feel better tomorrow. I hate being ill.

I've also made this photo a few meters away.

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