Dedication Day!!

 This day was Nate's dedication day - thanking God for the gift of Nate and promising that we as parents promise to bring Nate up in such a way that he knows God's love. It was such a special time...I just feel sorry I have no photos of the actual dedication! 
Later in the service we were interviewed about life and work in Ibiza, what our motivators are for doing the things we do...vaguely terrifying as we didn't know what Donald would ask us/talk about! But it went well thankfully.
Afterwards we had a big picnic in a local park - friends, family, food, games, bunting, bubbles, cake, chat, laughter, sunshine etc was fab! 
A beautiful moment in the day was turning around and seeing my old boss from the brain injury charity, Headway, stood in the church! She came as a surprise! I've not seen her since we left the UK for Ibiza - so so special to have her there at Nate's dedication! Other VIP guests included friends from 24-7 Ibiza who are in the UK at the moment driving all the way from Guildford just to be part of the special day with us - I was so touched to have them there and loved them seeing another slice of our life!

Today I'm grateful for;
1) Nate - a real gift to Danny, Asha and me...and we're grateful to God for him.
2) Mishkid and family turning up to the picnic with a vat of sangria! So kind and generous!
3) Nate having some seriously wonderful people in his life...good people to learn from, be loved by and to have as role models. Here pictured are 2 of his 3 godparents. 

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