horns of wilmington's cow

By anth


Our teeniest chook, a little White Star with loads of sparky attitude. And at the moment our star layer, with perfect, tiny little pure white eggs pretty much every day. Impossible to catch to pick up (as she's laying she should really crouch when you try, but there's nothing doing); but friendly all the same, she'll dart away, then quickly turn to see if you've got anything for her. The new girls are well and truly settled in - only the occasional asserting peck from the older girls; roosting together; dustbathing together; arguing over corn with no boundaries, and Scarlet is still jumping up on one or the other of us when we're sitting in the garden.

Oh, the picture of White Stars on the website for the place where we get our chooks had a little white bird with a big flopped over red comb. Looks like Lexie is going to fulfil the stereotype.

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