Tiny Tuesday
I took some pictures of spiders but tonight I saw this little guy and he DANCED for me! Seriously, he was on the metal fence and he boogied.
The picture did NOT want to load though.
My recently widowed neighbor gave me his two film Pentax DSLRs and their lenses tonight. He hasn't used them since he moved into the neighborhood 13 years ago. They are 50 or so years old. One of the lenses comes in a cylinder leather case. There is a tiny little light sensor. It is all very James Bond. Now I understand why everyone sees my Fuji and thinks it is an old film camera - they look really similar.
I just bought adapters for the M42 lenses. One is the Turbo Adapter v2 and one has a macro helicoid feature. I have no idea if you need the first if you have the second, but the first supposedly brings full frame light to my cropped sensor and the second supposedly lets you use the lenses for macro.
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