
It was chilly last night, and a bit fresh this morning when I went to the Supermarket.  But it warmed up later in the day.  But it was still a bit cooler than it has been.

As my husband was still in bed when I got back from shopping.  I did a few jobs around the place, that wouldn't make much noise.

One of them was sorting through the children's books.  I like to do this every now and again.  Because I sometimes forget which books I've got.

So, I've now got a new pile to put on the table for Isabella to choose from, for when we read at breakfast or lunch time.

When my husband did get up, I did the noisy things like vacuuming.

This afternoon I finished off my hedgehog embroidery.  This will obviously feature soon as a blip.

Thank you to everyone who commented on my big blipday yesterday.  It's lovely to know you are all there for me.

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