the blink of an eye

By weedave

Never rains but it floods

ok I am usually a " dont care how full the glass is so long as I have a drink " kind of guy but things of late have been draining the glass a tad !
Ewan was released from hospital with as yet no diagnosis for his recent bought of headaches
came home to find Fiona in bed with tonsilitis !
Alison is stressed about whole lot ( plus everything and anything )
Ewan is (understandably ) upset and feels really down about his health ,school ,life and the universe
the dog has just come in with half the garden attached to it's paws and so there is mud everywhere
oh and did I mention I need to go to a scout training night on challenging behaviour and problem solving...HELLO>>DEALING WITH LIFE !!!!!

and then I look at a simple pic of some rain drops on the stainless steel mesh at the hospital car park and I breath deep and calm down...little drips a stream makes and that a river and those an worries are but a drop in the ocean... breath in...breath out....aaaahh ..better

life is full of shit... it's whether we grow red or white roses in it that really counts!!!.... Enjoy !

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