
By cowgirl

Super Sewer!

Sad but true - I got very excited when I spotted the construction site of London’s new sewer, which we’ve been watching on the telly!

A very leisurely day, we planned to go to The Imperial War Museum with no set plan. We arrived about lunchtime, so Gina and I had lunch ( ! ) whilst Sav wandered round on his own. We then set off to look around and met Sav on his way back down ( the Museum is set out on 5 levels ). He went for a snack and we carried on upwards and onwards.

We regrouped, perused the gift shop and then set off back to Chingford via another coffee shop and a small walk to the Embankment station over Waterloo Bridge. We stopped to take some photos and I suddenly noticed the sewer. My excitement was neither shared nor understood by my friend Gina!

Home now with chips and a g&t. So sophisticated! Extras show the exterior of the museum and one of the interior.

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