Brains and Ironong

Off the the hospital this morning for physio appointment (Him, not me) and teeth (whole head) X-ray. I thought this would prove the absence of an entire brain, but sadly the X-ray is only for the mouth, gums and jaw. So, Mr L is still under the illusion he has a fully functioning complete brain. How wrong can one be?!

Once Home, the wind had picked up, so we took down the gazebo before it took itself down and then I tackled His ironing. I have refused to do it, but he has allowed such an amount to pile up the basket wouldn’t fit in the cupboard. So today I ironed for three hours, took a photo of the empty basket for the record (I’m sure I did all his ironing while on leave last year and he promised not to let it pile up again), and woe betide him if he lets it get like that again!

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