Blipbear blipmeet!t

So exciting! Here are Blipbear and his two friends plus Chloe and Murphy posing on the steps of Wordsworth House. You may wonder how they came to be there but Red Flash and Harry the Potter have brought Blipbear and of course Murphy to Cumbria. Later we were joined by Marpaul and all had a lovely walk round Cockermouth in the sun. 
It was great to meet Red Flash and HtP (thank you so much for liking our garden!) and Chloe coped very well with finding that she suddenly had four strange dogs in her house! 
Red Flash suggests that I should make use of Blipbear to mention that I am doing my first ever (and possibly last!) 5k Park Run in aid of Brain Tumour Research on Saturday.
If anyone wishes to sponsor me you can do so at :
Many thanks if you decide to do so. Ros

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