Life in a Northern Town

By kagsy

Columbia Gorge

I’ve just realised my photo for Tuesday was posted against Wednesday because of the time difference - I can’t be bothered to change it so I’ll post Wednesday’s against Tuesday.

We’ve had no internet for a while but we’ve arrived back in civilisation in Seattle so I’ll try and catch up!

We woke up to an amazing sunrise over the Columbia Gorge, then we drove north into Washington and drove to Mount St Helens - see extras. It was very hazy from wildfire smoke but incredible to get so close to the blast crater, and to see the incredible regeneration that has taken place from Mother Nature and also the human efforts to help. The whole of the ridge we stood on was previously forest reached only by logging trails - there is now an excellent visitors centre reached by a wide and well maintained road. The drive through the park was amazing and we loved it.

We spent the night in a lodge near Mount Rainier and drove through the park today on our way to Seattle. We have another day and then we’re on our way back to God’s Own Country.

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