Pretty tired this morning so decided to opt for a more sedentary type of sightseeing today. After breakfast in our local diner with L we set off down to Pier 83 to hop on the Circle Line boat round the island. Hard to get out of the sun - it was baking! - but great views of the whole island of Manhattan including where we’re staying up by the Cloisters museum in the woods.
Couldn’t resist the iconic statue....especially alongside the notice I saw yesterday on the high line (extra)....good to see the welcome continues despite the headline messages being so dreadful.
Bit of a nightmare on the trains trying to get to 72nd St....why don’t they all stop at the advertised stops?! No information to speak of but some helpful passengers thank goodness.
Had a quiet drink before meeting up with my cousin’s friend at the open air cinema....great idea to go. We saw Isle of Dogs, and chatted away about art, horses, family and an upcoming trip she’s doing to Iceland before the film.
Home...late but straightforward this time thank goodness
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