In The Mood

A busy day:

Patio and terrace clean
Last minute shopping for breakfast for guests - cheese and pastries from Mallorca!
Preparing and serving said breakfast
Tourist advisory assistance with printing of maps and indicating best routes
Credit control emails sent out re over 10k of euros owed to me
Some new invoices prepared and issued
A coaching call into Angola
A major machete intervention in the garden - the marquesas were trembling
A major plant buying operation to fill the gaps left by the departed marquesas
A bath for the long haired brothers (plants) who hang out on the top terrace
Checking the air con machinery locations on the new building at the end of the street with the site manager
A taxi into the centre
A bit of blipping . . . this is a detail of the Palau de la Música beside DD’s school.
And now off to meet Dd's class followed by dinner with Philippa.
Then bed and mentally preparing for the visit of my finance director (and best man) tomorrow from Holland!

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