Early Morning Light, Aylesford

I had another day off on Thursday. Unfortunately, it was the first day in months where it absolutely pissed it down so I didn't really get to go anywhere. Instead, I sat indoors and read my book - a rare luxury during the week. At the moment I'm reading a work of fiction on the train to and from work (it really helps when I start to get anxious about the overcrowding) and non-fiction at home.
The non-fiction tome is called The Crossway by Guy Stagg - it's a fascinating and enlightening book about how the author walked from Canterbury to Jerusalem on a pilgrimage even though he was not religious. It's about him trying to understand himself, the people he meets, the religion and history of the places he travels through and what makes a pilgrim. It may sound heavy but he writes beautifully and it's a wonderfully accessible book.
Friday was back to work and yet more deadlines - this time for a series of prints by Andy Warhol and Keith Haring. The Haring prints in particular were so colourful that they were actually quite hard to capture photographically - the colours were neon strong in places so I really had to push the contrast and saturation to try and accurately represent them.
Today's shot was taken as I was having my early morning coffee before my pre-breakfast run - the light coming through the garden window was so beautiful and it lit up the ballerina perfectly. It also reminded me of the superb documentary I saw about the writer Angela Carter last week.

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