County fair with bonus Silly Saturday
After a solid nights rest, I headed to the County Fair early to get some pictures before the crowds. When you pull into the driveway to park, a horse (upper left) escorts you to your parking spot. With most things still closed, I headed over to see and watch the horses.. It was interesting as it was the first time I saw boys and girls competing against each other. In one event where a horse and rider goes around a barrel and grabs a flag, the difference between first and second was 0.05 seconds and the girl won..
In the first extra is the silly Saturday picture - A chicken with a bright idea and two very happy cows..
The second extra is about the birds, flowers and this years 4-H theme - Hero's.. Most had the common police, firefighter, armed forces but two had the farms as their hero's.. Both said "Without farms, our service men and women wouldn't have anything to eat". I thought that was well said.
The third extra is the doggies.. I never seen one in a tux before...
And the last one... Part of a quilt, little flowers, a welcoming goat to the fair, music, a finish line - reminded me of Paula, and what I had for dessert, a traditional scone with raspberry jam.
A very awesome morning and early afternoon despite the occasional rain... Seeing my dad tomorrow..
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