interview eve insomnia

Bit of a rubbish blip today, been so busy with interview preparation. Found out the other day I had a presentation to prepare and the basic areas my interview would cover and I gave had a lot if reading up on current affairs to do as I don't really keep up to date in any detail, but I need to have worldly knowledge and commercial awareness. Well, I did a business degree I would hope by now I have commercial awareness anyway! But I have been trying to teach myself about the eurozone crisis and auditing and reporting changes...

I prepared everything I wanted in ny presentation yesterday and spent the day at Nat and Dan's using powerpoint on their computer putting it together and printing off my slides. I made a copy for each of the interviewers too so they can read along or read it later. I am happy with my presentation, just rather scared about the rest of the interview despite doing lots of reading! Hopefully more has sunk in than it seems like!

Hence why I am uploading to blip now...I cannot sleep. My mind is turning over and over what I can remember about the eurozone, Greece , rogue traders and bloody banking stuff! Only 11.30pm but I came to bed at 10pm. It is not til 3.30pm tomo so I have most of the day to practice and continue reading.

I am the most prepared I have ever been for an interview so am trying to take hold of that and be confident!!

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