Wattle Haze

This blip happened almost by accident.  We were watching the golf this morning on the telly and I was fiddling around with my camera.  
There is a vase of wattle on the coffee table, initially I was taking a photo of the wattle, but then focused beyond that, through the window onto the Camomile daisy outside.  I rather liked the result with the soft golden haze along with the (sortof) focused daisy outside.  Not every-bodies cup of tea, but I'm happy with it.....whatever spins our wheels eh?
Our quiet Sunday changed late morning when our townie friends called suggesting a walk.  We're always up for that so headed off doing the cliff walk again that we did yesterday. Back here for a very late lunch  . Love when the unexpected happens and turns out to be fun.

Feeling slightly jaded tonight, all this activity along with a late night last night.  An early night for the "olds"

Just finished a Facetime with Lexi - only a week to go now.


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